50 Childhood Snacks Singaporeans Love – Munch On These Snacks As We Celebrate #SG50
August 08, 2015

It’s the Jubilee weekend, how is everyone doing? Four days of holiday is so rare, I am spending time with my family, my friends and my bed! My family, including my grandfather, aunties, uncle and myself, eats a lot of snacks. So we decided to gather our thoughts together and do a blog post on the 50 childhood snacks that we love. Some of them are my favourites, while the others are what my aunties love during their school days in the 60s & 70s. For my family, it’s definitely fun to do some brainstorming together and work on this special feature. Hope it brings back some precious memories for you as much as we do.
1. Ice pop
Our parents hate it whenever we buy ice pops and says we will get a cough. But, how to love these frozen treats under this hot weather?
2. Butter cigarette stick
Smoking is not cool, but eating butter cigarette stick is cool.
3. Plait cracker
I like this and I always link this to the plaits on my hair.
4. Egg pandan
Addictive small balls, toddlers love it!
5. Ais Gem
I only pick the pink ones. What about you?
6. Rice cracker
Something lighter but definitely more flavourful than eating rice!
7. ABC biscuit
It’s fun to eat this biscuit while learning ABC. After knowing all the 26 alphabets, I only picked my name to eat. Haha!
8. Bee bee snack
They have two versions, this is in stick, the other in square. I prefer the other one though.
9. Sweet peanut candy
My ah gong’s favourite, I can’t really bite. How ironic.
10. Sesame stick
We love the sesame fragrance. What about you?
11. Apollo wafer chocolate
Not sure about you, I only eat these wafer chocolate during Children’s Day when our teachers always gift it to us.
12. Kachang puteh
Time for movie, yeah?
13. White rabbit sweet
We eat it only because the rabbit is cute.
14. Prawn crackers
Still a favourite till today, it’s a joy to munch these prawn crackers while watching TV.
15. Ken ken prepared cuttlefish
Ken makes awesome cuttlefish – pungent and fishy, I like it! 😀 Hold on, is the creator’s name really Ken?
16. Candy floss
It’s actually not so much about the taste, but more from the enjoyment of watching the uncle making candy floss, no?
17. Satay ampai
Lai ah Lai ah, chiak satay ah!
18. Biscuit piring wafer
Always have to handle with care with the wafers are so fragile!
19. Steamed peanuts
Favourite pasar malam items. Not forgetting the tutu kueh too!
20. 3 pc olives
My grandparents’ favourite.
21. Dried figs
You will probably find this in many ladies’ handbags in the past.
22. Haw flakes
This is really our ultimate childhood snacks. We love peeling off the red paper to get the sugary tart goodness.
23. Kumquat Candy Sticks
I always call it colourful lime sticks.
24. Ling mong tablet
These candies may pair well with coke?
25. Wheel crackers
Chinese New Year must have!
26. Snow white cakes
We have this during prayers at the temple. My mother always say, “eat already will 保平安!.”
27. Mai ya tang
River Angbao always have them, bringing a little sweetness to Chinese New Year?
28. Chocolate coin
HUAT AH! Eat more ah! Money money all come to me~~
29. Pig ear biscuit / Butterfly Biscuits
Alot of names for it, we mostly call it 猪耳朵.
30. Mochi (Ket Hong)
I don’t think I got the right name. My aunties and uncles eat them during prayers.
31. Chocolate fingers
Anything with chocolate just makes a kid happy.
32. Danhua cakes
Eggy eggy cakes, soft and flaky. Eat it with a piece of tissue paper please.
33. Peanut cakes
Ah hah! With a pink cover on top, these melt-in-your-mouth peanut cakes is so so good!
34. Sugar candy
Chewy jelly with distinctive fruit extract.
35. Old school cakes
We may be eating more Tiramisu and Creme Brulee now, but we still love our old school cakes with colourful cream on top.
36. Green bean cake
Or called Mung Bean Cakes, this is a childhood dessert.
37. Lobster Cubes
Deep fried with totally no lobster taste, but they are very addictive!
38. Mamee Monster
When our parents stopped us from eating maggi mee, we eat Mamee instead!
39. Soft skin cake 水糕
The texture is as soft as skin (but my skin is not so soft leh…)
40. Butter spongecakes
Best to pair with coffee, yes?
41. Salted Fried broad beans / Fava Beans
Munch on, munch on…
42. Ginger (化梅姜)
My grandparents love it. For me, errrr…
43. Chocolate ball
Similar to the Chocolate sticks, just that this is the ball version.
44. Orange peel
Quite refreshing!
45. Lollipop
Yes yes, that’s a reward when we hand in our homework on time.
46. Fruit sweets
Pick your favourite fruit!
47. Preserved papaya
I really can’t appreciate preserved papaya….
48. Hacks
Yes another of my favourite, it is available in our house always!
49. Seedless Conserved Plum (Chen pi ying zi)
Again, I think my grandmother loves this.
50. Cream Crackers
Last but not the least, this is my favourite amongst all. Soda biscuits! I eat them almost everyday still, dip the crackers into my cup of Milo. Yummmmms!
Hope you enjoyed our special feature on the 50 childhood snacks. We took a lot of effort to visit different mama shop and biscuit shops to collect them all. Of course, none of these go to wastage. We are sharing all our favourite snacks with our family, neighbours and friends. This weekend, munch on these snacks as we celebrate our nation’s 50th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! #ndp2015
What’s your favourite childhood snacks? We like to find out. If it’s not listed above, do share in the comment below. Thanks!