Al-Ameen Eating Corner – 24 Hours Roti Prata in Woodlands
September 21, 2016

In my impression, Woodlands is ulu. Even though I used to give tuition to a student who lives in Woodlands, I find it difficult to find good food after my tuition. Thankfully, my good friend Rae lives in Woodlands and she offered to write 11 Delicious Cheap Eats To Try In Woodlands. Amongst the list, there is Al-Ameen Eating Corner which serves decent Indian food for 24 hours. So we went to check it out last week!
This place was previously at Woodgrove and had only just moved to its current location. Even though the address has the word industrial estate in it, it is really by the road side of Woodlands Ave 5, less than 10 mins walk from Woodlands MRT station. We ordered a whole load of prata for breakfast, including prata kosong, egg prata and prata with egg and onion. The prata is not super crispy, but more on the doughy side.
What we enjoyed is the coin prata with mutton curry. The prata dough is shaped into a circular coin and pan fried till it is crispy. The mutton cubes were tender and not gamey, with shiok curry sauce. Service is friendly and they even acceded to my request to make the prata fresh. It is opened for 24 hours, so if you are living near Woodlands and want to have supper, you know where to go!
Al-Ameen Eating Corner
Address: 35 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 3 #01-11 (off Woodlands Ave 5), Singapore 739257
Opening Hours: 24 hours