Anpo-Gaki Persimmons – Seasonal Fruit From Fukushima Available From Now Till February
January 22, 2022

10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, import restrictions on produce from Fukushima prefecture were finally lifted. Alas, Singaporeans can enjoy amazing Japanese produce from that region again! A highly-raved product that’s extremely popular with Singaporeans is Anpo-Gaki persimmons, a native Fukushima fruit with almost a century of history. The semi-dried fruit is in season now!
Made using a unique manufacturing process passed down through generations, Anpo-Gakis have a perfect texture — firm on the outside, and silky and almost jelly-like on the inside. The persimmons are fumigated with sulfur before they are dried; this is a technique that has been practiced since the Tokugawa period. Originally only used in the production of dried grapes, this technique was applied to Anpo-Gaki persimmons by local producers around 1920.
The one-month long drying period holds the key to producing delicious Anpo-Gakis. Hastening the drying process would cause the persimmons to shrivel, and prevent the smooth texture on the inside from developing.
What sets them apart from other dried persimmons is their dazzling bright orange hue, which is preserved by sulfur fumigation. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I took my first bite. I was surprised by the burst of natural sweetness, distinctive flavour, and the fruit’s soft and jam-like texture which left me wanting more. I definitely did not expect it to be so delicious and addictive!
Other than its flavour and texture, Anpo-Gakis are also widely known for their health benefits. Rich in Vitamin A and β-Carotene, they can be effective in preventing colds. In addition, they are also packed with antioxidants and minerals such as potassium.
You can enjoy your Anpo-Gaki on its own, or include them in sandos with a generous dollop of soy milk cream, just like it is traditionally prepared and enjoyed. For a more modern and creative take, use them to flavour drinks (think an Anpo-Gaki soda) or even in desserts such as tiramisu! How versatile!
Anpo-Gakis are usually made only for a short period from December to February, hence their quantity is extremely limited. If you’ll like to try this unique treat, head over to DON DON DONKI to enjoy a slice of Fukushima today!
This post is brought to you by BANGKOK FOOD SYSTEM CO.,LTD.