Bento #26: Cute Animal Bread Bento
July 04, 2013
I run out of interesting titles for my bento already. But nevermind, the cute pictures will make up for it. I have been staying at home for the past 2 days after diagnosed with acute tonsillitis and high fever. I don’t know how did it happen. All I knew was, I had problem swallowing my saliva on Monday and could barely sleep at night. When I went to the doctor on Tuesday morning, doctor saw a huge ulcer in my throat and what came with it was a 38 degree fever. But I am getting better already, all thanks to homemade barley water and ample rest.
Yesterday, I decided to make a bento to perk myself up. I don’t really like dirtying my hands while meddling with rice moulds but I am crazy over all the cutesy bread cutters. The pooh bread cutter which I got the other time, I am still using it for my breakfast frequently. And thanks to J-Mama & Baby, I got another cute animal bread cutter to play with!
This one is really simple and idiot proof. Basically you put whatever ingredients you want between two bread, and press the cutter onto the bread, you will get four cute animal sandwiches almost immediately! If you want something more, you can buy a chocolate pen and draw the emotions.
VERY CUTE, ISN’T IT? Visit J-MAMA & BABY to grab these cute bento cutters!
I am planning to learn Japanese full time from mid-July. I learnt it while I was in university but it was a pity that I didn’t complete it. Now that I have some free time, I am excited to learn it again.
And guess what, we bid goodbye to June and say hello to July. IT’S MISSTAMCHIAK’S 6TH BLOG ANNIVERSARY! I am so happy that I manage to keep this hobby of mine for 6 years. There is something interesting coming up on Monday. Stay tune to it!