Food Clay Art Part 13: Bread Miniature

August 01, 2013


When you enter a bakery, do you take a close look at the different shapes and sizes of each bread? Or do you simply look at the descriptions? For me, I always buy the bread that looks prettiest. I don’t really care much about the filling, the beauty of the bread already win me over.

So I decided to challenge myself to do some bread again. Nono, THESE ARE NOT REAL BREAD. They are made of clay, and I didn’t bake them. I merely use my hands to colour them. If you think that they are real, it means I have succeeded lah. If you can see that they are fake, means I have to try harder next time! HAHA




Two years ago, I was crazy about making these food miniatures (read about my previous works here). But I stopped after a while because I was too tight up with work and have no time to play with it. And now, I decided to go back to it again! It actually feels very good to be kneading clay. Believe it anot, it does help me relieve some stress. And I feel a sense of achievement when my food miniature looks like REAL FOOD!

Actually, the most difficult one is to make the leaves. I cannot get it right 2 years ago, and I still cannot get it right now. It is so difficult to get the shape right. And the challenge is to make duplicates of the same bread. Because it doesn’t look very nice to just have one bread per design, the more the merrier. So one of my baguette looks real, and another one too small, another one has too many lines. AIYO!


Ok lah, anyway this is my latest miss tam chiak’s bakery! Hope you like it, thank you for reading! Next week, I am going to blog about another clay art I made! Stay tune!


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