Creating Simple Brunch using Perfect Italiano Cheeses
March 19, 2015

Feeling cheesy? You’ve come to the right place! If you’re into cooking with cheese, then Perfect Italiano is a good option. Perfect Italiano is a cooking cheese brand that adds simple Italian flair to everyday family meals. It is simple and easy to use, to prevent homemade meals from being difficult, complex and time-consuming. They help transform your everyday ordinary meals into delicious, Italian-inspired creations.
There is a whole range of Perfect Italiano cheeses: Mozzarella, Parmesan, Pizza Plus, and Perfect Bakes. In this blog post, I have created 2 simple recipes using Perfect Italiano Pizza Plus, Perfect Italiano Mozzarella Cheese and Perfect Italiano Parmesan Cheese. These recipes are so simple and easy to prepare.
The easiest and quickest brunch is omelette. I only take 10 minutes to get it ready. When the omelette begins to cook and firm up, but still has a little raw egg on top, sprinkle over Perfect Italiano mozzarella and parmesan cheese. It melts beautifully and the mozzarella gives it a stretchy bite.
- 25 g Perfect Italiano Mozzarella Grated cheese
- 25 g Perfect Italiano Parmesan Grated cheese
- 10 g butter
- 2 eggs beaten
- 1 tbsp diced green and red bell peppers
- 1 tbsp sliced shitake mushrooms
- 1 tbsp sliced ham
In a hot non-stick pan, melt Anchor butter and sauté peppers, mushrooms and ham for 2 minutes.
Pour in beaten eggs and spread evenly.
When the sides start to cook, sprinkle Perfect Italiano Mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses.
Fold it over in half and remove from pan when golden brown.
Sprinkle more Perfect Italiano Parmesan cheese on top then serve.
Recipe Notes
Adapted from Perfect Italiano
Melted cheese has given us many beloved dishes. One of them is pizza. The creation of Pizza Plus is the answer to all pizza lovers. It is a special blend of mozzarella, cheddar and parmesan cheeses for pizza, it makes our lives so much easier. I don’t have to buy the three cheeses separately. To challenge myself further, I decided to make own my pizza dough. However, if you are rushing for time, head to the supermarket to get ready made ones.
- 400 g plain flour
- 2 tsp dried yeast
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 cup warm water
- 3 tbsp olive oil
Place flour, yeast and salt in a bowl and mix.
Gradually add the water and olive oil then knead by hand for 7-10 minutes until the dough is smooth.
Place dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with cling wrap. Set aside in a warm place to rise for an hour until it doubles in volume.
Knead dough gently for a few minutes to remove some air.
Divide dough in two and roll out pizza bases. Sprinkle a little flour on the bench before rolling to prevent dough from sticking.
Recipe Notes
Adapted from Perfect Italiano
- 1/2 cup Italian tomato cooking sauce
- 250 g pack Perfect Italiano Pizza Plus
- 1 red onion sliced
- 1 red capsicum thinly sliced
- 3/4 cup ham sliced into cubes
- ¼ cup pineapple cubes
- ¼ cup pitted black olives
- 1/4 cup roughly chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
- 50 g rocket leaves
- 1 tbsp sherry or red wine vinegar
Divide dough into two and roll each piece into a 20cm round, place onto a baking paper lined tray.
Spread each pizza base with tomato sauce and 1/2 cup Perfect Italiano Pizza Plus. Top with the ingredients and remaining Perfect Italiano Pizza.
Bake pizzas for 30 minutes at 200°C, until cheese is melted and base is crisp.
To serve, toss rocket with vinegar and arrange over warm pizzas, before cutting into wedges.
Recipe Notes
Adapted from Perfect Italiano
Pizza Plus gives the authentic pizza stretch, without making the dough oily. Look at my pizza, the cheese blister perfectly and my dough is in a beautiful brown. You can customize your own pizza and add in your favourite ingredients!
For more recipes on how to use Perfect Italiano Cheeses you can check them out Create your very own dishes using the cheeses and hashtag #perfectitalianosg to share your creation with everyone!