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My mother has always been very particular about my teeth since young. I remembered every Saturday morning, I would always open my mouth to let her check for any shaky baby tooth that was coming out. If she found any naughty ones, she would bring me to the dentist immediately to pluck them out. She always say,”I want your teeth to look straight and nice!“
I am sure everyone of us know the importance of good teeth. Because the smile will either leave a good or bad impression people have of you. Unfortunately, I didn’t take great care of my teeth then. Many of you may have knew, I fell down and broke my two front teeth when I was 10 years old. Having to put on dentures for 16 years, I will always have food stuck in between my teeth.
But ever since then, I take great care of my teeth. Thanks to Colgate, I went for my dental check-up at The Dental Studio lately (yay!). Dr Lynette Ng first examines my teeth before doing a thorough scaling and polishing.
Some of you may wonder, “I don’t have any problems, why should I visit the dentist?”
Because, prevention is always better than cure.
It is recommended that everyone should visit your dentist twice a year for check ups and cleanings, so that the dentist can spot early sign of decay or treat any other health problems. * Seriously, having a pretty dentist helps to ease my fear too! *
If you want to have pretty teeth, visiting the dentist twice a year doesn’t do miracle! Eating right is very important too!
Well, I am a food blogger and not a teeth expert. But having visited the dentist regularly for my checkup, I have picked out some eating tips for protecting our teeth!
Don’t know what is bad for teeth? Here are some tips on how to identify bad food:
- Food / drinks with high concentration of sugar
- Acidic drinks with low PH value
- Sticky food that cannot be washed away easily
All these will increase the risk of tooth decay. Give your teeth a lil’ love by eating food/drink:
- with little or no sugar
- don’t stick to teeth
- non acidic drinks
The latest SlimSoft toothbrush is a gift from Colgate-Palmolive! Thank you!
I love eating cookies and honey which will get stuck in my teeth especially because of my dentures. My toothbrush which I have been using for a long time has a big head with pricky bristles. So every time I brush my teeth, the gums will bleed.
I always thought I have sensitive teeth because my gum bleeds. It is only when I talked to Dr Ng that day, then I realized the cause of it may be due to my toothbrush which is super old. It’s time to change a new toothbrush!
Thanks to Colgate-Palmolive, I get to try their latest SlimSoft toothbrush with 0.01mm superslim bristle, which is soft and slim! I am sure it will help with my dental woes!
Do you know that one of the most direct way to hurt our own teeth is using the WRONG toothbrush? For example, if you are using one with harder bristle, it may hurt the structure of the tooth. Or, if you are using one which is has super thick bristle, it can’t remove the dirt in between each tooth. I think these are the problems of my old toothbrush!! T_T
I am very excited with my new toothbrush and I have just started using this for less than a week. I will share with you guys my experience in my next Colgate post.
Stay tune!