Economical Bee Hoon – Delicious Hidden Neighbourhood Gem
May 02, 2017

Hands up if you’re willing to get up at 5am just for breakfast! We’re pretty sure many of us are not disciplined enough to leave our beds. However, if you’re staying in the neighbourhood, you would probably already know about this economical bee hoon stall located at Block 359. The stall caters mostly to cab drivers, market-goers, and those who stay up till the wee hours just to watch football matches. They are usually sold out by 8.30am.
We arrived at 7.30am, but they have already ran out of chicken wings. So, we made do with their remaining side items, and ordered two plates of bee hoon with sausages, fishcakes, fish fillet, and luncheon meat. The bill totalled up to $4.90, so affordable!
The economical bee hoon is prolly one of the best we’ve tried so far. The hawkers pre-marinade the bee hoon, which helps them cut down on their cooking time. Hence, you get moist and tasty bee hoon here. The texture is also softer than those you get elsewhere, and it’s not too oily. If you’re seated facing the stall, you’ll notice a guy constantly bringing out freshly prepared bee hoon in big containers, ensuring that your food is warm.
A pity we didn’t get to try their chicken wings, but we like the fish fillet and crispy luncheon meat. The taste of this economical bee hoon reminds us of our childhood days, when our parents packed bee hoon back for us as breakfast at home. We wouldn’t mind getting up early again just to sink our teeth into such homely food.
Economical Bee Hoon
Address: #01-401, Meng Soon Huat Coffeeshop, Blk 359 Bukit Batok Street 31, Singapore 650359
Opening Hours: Tue-Sun 4.30am to 8.30am, or till sold out. Closed on Mondays. made anonymous visit and paid its own meal at the stall featured here.
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