(CLOSED) Fishball Story @ Golden Mile Hawker Centre (Relocated)
October 31, 2014

Latest Update from 26th Jan 2016: Fishball Story has relocated to NUS. More details here.
Being a hawker is not an easy job – the long hours and the heat are but some of the challenges hawkers face daily. This is why, it’s so tough to get the next generation to take over the wok. This is why, we are seeing so many foreigners being hired to cook because younger folks don’t want to.
So I really truly admire Douglas from Fishball Story. He is only 23 years old and yet he is running a successful fishball noodle stall in Golden Mile Food Centre.
Fishball Story is not like any other typical fishball noodles stall where they just get fishballs from supplier. Douglas makes his own fishball everyday. And that is already ultimate enough. If you ask me to list you 10 hawkers who still make their own fishballs, I don’t think I am able to do it.
Douglas’s grandmother’s handmade fishballs ignited his passion to spread the fishball story. Her recipe was simple and she only uses the best of ingredients. That being said, he wanted to share what real fishballs should taste like. He picked up the skill from her and months later, Fishball Story was born.
His fishballs uses pure yellow tail fish with no flour. This young chap wakes up at 4am everyday, come to the stall at 5am and starts making fishballs. He blends fish paste, hand press the fishballs and fishcakes, makes the sambal and lard… so that he will be ready to serve by 9am. Hard work, isn’t it?
For $3.50 a bowl, I get a 3 fishballs, a few slices of fishcakes and good amount of mee pok tossed with sambal chilli and lard. The fishballs are firm and my mee pok is al dente and has a QQ textue. Even though the sambal chilli was too gentle for me, the lard and fried shallots certainly made up for it. Overall, it’s a really hearty bowl of fishball noodles.
We really need young generation like Douglas, who is willing to hold the ladle and continue our hawker heritage. Let’s support young hawker, shall we?
Address: #01-85 Golden Mile Hawker Centre, 505 Beach Road Singapore 199583
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm; Sat 9am – 7pm; Sun 9am – 3pm
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Fishball Story will be taking part in the Singapore Ultimate Hawker Fest this year. This is a charity event to showcase some of our delicious street food in Singapore. At the same time, it was also an event to raise money for the beneficiaries under the care of TOUCH Community Services regardless of race and religion.
Singapore Ultimate Hawker Fest 2014
Venue: SUNTEC Convention Hall 401-402
Date: 22 Nov 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 11am to 5pm