Great Ocean Road Tour
March 31, 2014

HAPPY MONDAY! I am home and back to reality. Still not used to the hot weather here and I am feeling so tired everyday. Perhaps because I woke up at 6am in Australia everyday and now I need to pay my sleep debt.
So anyway, I booked a day tour to Great Ocean Road during my vacation and got a chance enjoy the stunning coastal views and beautiful blue sky! The Great Ocean Road started as a project to create work for WWI returned servicemen. 241km in length, it drops to the coast to give access to beaches and climbs the cliffs to give views over the Great Southern Ocean and Bass Strait.
We passed through coastal towns of Lorne, Apollo Bay and Port Campbell, as well as stopped in the forest to look for koalas and native birds in the wild! Most memorable sight was the iconic Cape Otway Lighthouse, mainland Australia’s oldest surviving lighthouse. It is so windy there, the sky is so blue and the scones are so yummy!
We also witnessed the rugged splendour of the famous 12 Apostles, magnificent rock stacks that rise up from the Southern Ocean on Victoria’s dramatic coastline. Not forgetting Loch Ard Gorge, and took a stroll along the shipwreck coast.
Here’s sharing some of the pictures I have taken during this tour. Hope you love the photos as much as I do. Let me take a rest for one more day and I will do a proper post from tomorrow onwards. Ending this post with a quote “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.” Cheers!