Juicy Tuesday 3 – Soymilk with Chia Seeds
December 17, 2013

Hello world! Happy Tuesday! I was very shagged yesterday because I spent most of the time doing filming for Channel for a new show in 2014. Day one is done, I am continuing again this Thursday. I can do it. Since I have been so busy, I haven’t got much time to prepare some juices. What I have been making repeatedly is soymilk with chia seeds.
Here are some useful tips for you if you are making soymilk at home
– Use organic soy beans if possible.
– Soak the beans overnight as it really helps to blend the beans more easily.
– Can use sieve or muslin cloth for straining.
– You can remove the outer skin if you want to reduce the beanie taste.
– Okara can be used in baking, for fried foods or many other options.
– Can sweetened according to your preference. Add some pandan leaves if possible, brings a light fragrance to the drink.
Soybeans are a healthy addition to the diet. They are especially good for the high quality protein and can replace the protein from meats.
As for chia – the little seed – also has a huge nutritional profile. It comes in either white or a dark brown and black colour and is an easy food to add to your diet. It contains calcium, manganese, and phosphorus, and is a great source of healthy omega-3 fats.
Recipe for Soymilk with Chia Seeds
for 4 pax
1.5 cups soya beans
1500ml water
some sugar
some pandan leaves
some chia seeds
Method (if you have a soy milk maker):
1) Wash and soak the beans for 6-8 hours. Rinse and drain well.
2) Pour soaked beans into soy milk maker.
3) Add water till the desired level.
4) Cover the lid, turn on the power, and select ‘soy milk’ function.
5) The machine will beep when the soy milk is ready.
6) Pour the soymilk and filter the fiber through the sieve or muslin.
7) Add in pandan leaves and sugar to taste. Serve warm or chilled with chia seeds.
Method (if you have a blender):
1) Wash and soak the beans for 6-8 hours. Rinse and drain well.
2) Blend/puree the soya beans with water until it become a smooth blend.
3) Pour the blended beans into a muslin cloth over a pot, and squeeze the milk out. Or allow to strain for a while.
4) Bring soy milk to a boil. You can add some pandan leaves for extra fragrance.
7) Add in pandan leaves and sugar to taste. Serve warm or chilled with chia seeds.
– What are the health benefits of soybeans?
– Health benefits of Soybean
– Soybeans
– Chia Seed Benefits: 10 Reasons To Add Chia To Your Diet