Julaiha Muslim Restaurant – Popular 24/7 Prata Spot for Night Owls
July 20, 2019

I came to know about Julaiha Muslim Restaurant when I was hunting for Mutton Nasi Briyani at Koothurar Nasi Briyani. A friend recommended Julaiha Muslim Restaurant after I raved about mutton nasi briyani, so here I am!
On my journey here, my private car hire driver excitedly shared with me that there’s plenty of good food at Julaiha Muslim Restaurant. He specifically mentioned Indian rojak, prata and mutton nasi briyani! No prizes for guessing what I ordered eventually.
Julaiha’s Mutton Nasi Briyani ($7) was full of flavour and spices, slightly spicy and aromatic. Unfortunately, the mutton was a tad too tough for me. There was a slight gamey taste to it too, but this is not uncommon.
The Indian rojak ($5), on the other hand, won me over with its sweet and slightly spicy peanut sauce. Besides the sauce, every ingredient I selected was fried well too. Initially, I was skeptical about the fish fillet because of its unusually bright orange hue but it turned out great! The potatoes were also adequately soft and fragrant. My favourite ingredient was the fried vegetable-cake which was crisp and savoury. It was also the first ingredient to be polished off.
Since Julaiha Muslim Restaurant is open 24 hours, it is a relatively hot spot for supper. I can see why it is popular too, especially when the staff are very hospitable and friendly!
Of course, I couldn’t leave without trying the prata. Even after leaving it out for a while, the plain prata ($1.20) and cheese prata ($2) were still slightly crispy and chewy. I’m glad I chose the cheese prata as it gave a hit of savouriness to the fragrant prata. Mutton curry was served together with the pratas, and it went well with the plain prata since the curry was grainy and slightly salty.
I remember vividly that before I left, a trio walked in and one of them exclaimed: “BEST PRATA IN SINGAPORE!” Hmmm, is it truly the best prata in Singapore? Time for you to try it and let us know!
I had high expectations for the mutton nasi briyani, but was disappointed. However, I will be back for the prata and, of cause, the Indian rojak!
Julaiha Muslim Restaurant
Address: 538 MacPherson Rd, Singapore 368222
Phone: 6743 2773
Opening Hours: 24 hours daily.
MissTamChiak.com made anonymous visit and paid its own meal at the stall featured here.
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