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NDP 2012 Performance – I LOVE SINGAPORE!
August 09, 2012
August 09, 2012

What does watching NDP Parade mean to you?
No, it is not only about the goodie bag nor the fireworks. To me, watching NDP Parade has a deeper meaning than this.
Thanks to Nuffnang and the NDP Committee, I get to watch the NDP Preview last Saturday. Being a regular audience in every year’s NDP Preview, I got to say this is one of the most colourful NDP parade that I have ever watched. Short and sweet, yet very touching.
We started the pre parade activities where the hosts for this year Gurmit Singh, Suhaimi Yusoff, Sharon Au and Jean Danker guided us through our fun pack and some fun activities.
The Pre-Parade featured NDP favourites such as the Red Lions Freefall Display where they soared through the skies. We will go “whoooooooo” as they are still up in the sky and end with a “YES!” when they have safely landed
National Day Parade (NDP) 2012 will also see the return of the School Display Band from the Singapore Youth Festival and an Integrated Precision Drill and Motorcycle Performance by the Singapore Armed Forces and the Home Team, both of which were last seen in NDP 2006 at the National Stadium. Parade & Ceremony will also feature traditional crowd favourites such as the marching contingents and the state flag fly-past.
Majulah moment happens when the State Flag fly-past and all of us stood up to sing our national anthem. It has been a long time since I last sang the anthem and of course I can remember every single word of it!
This year, a group of NSmen will hand the flag to Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) and students from uniformed groups, symbolising the passing on of the commitment to ensuring Singapore’s security from one generation to the next.
All eyes are sure to be on Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) (NS) Clarence Tan, who cuts a dashing figure in his crisp white No. 1 uniform and khaki beret as this year’s Parade Commander. He is the fourth NSman to command an NDP.
This year, there are exciting new elements, such as the “Commitment to Defence March” and a Salute to 45 years of National Service (NS45). As part of the Salute, for the first time, Parade contingents will sees more than 2000 parade members marching forward in perfect unison; nine fighter jets from the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) will also execute the enhanced aerial flypast. This is the largest display of the latest RSAF fighter jets to take part in NDP thus far.
T h e s h o w b e g i n s …
This year’s show segment comprises a prologue, three acts and a finale, and will take place immediately after the P&C segment. It will unfold on an enhanced stage set, with an LED backdrop in the shape of the Singapore Island.
Show is premised on the central idea of “reflection”, and explores various aspects of the NDP 2012 theme through mass-displays reminiscent of National Day Parades of yesteryear, to encourage Singaporeans to reflect deeply on what we love about Singapore.
I love how they re-enact the past incidents in Singapore, such as SARS, Bukit Ho Swee fire, to show how Singaporeans unite together during times of adversity.
The Show segment culminates with a medley of NDP songs through the years, and the Pledge Moment where Singaporeans will once again affirm as one people our love and commitment to our country.
Here’s a shot with the fireworks! Aren’t they pretty? The NDP Fireworks Committee has again not only brought excitement to the nation’s celebrations, it managed to touch these little ones in a very special and unforgettable way.
The most touching moment was to say the pledge and sing the national anthem altogether as one people, one nation, one Singapore. This is the video I took on that day. SPOT ME!
The home-grown songstress will sing this year’s NDP theme song Love at First Light together with eight-year-old Natanya Tan from Methodist Girls’ School. Beautiful song! I really love Olivia’s voice, very soothing and catchy tune! Here’s the video of this year’s NDP theme song – Love at First Light.
What does NDP mean to me?
NDP is definitely not about the elaborate costumes and fireworks. It is a day where we commemorate and remember when we gained independence and how hard we struggled to achieve our state today. Every year performance is instilled with significant meaning because each NDP is in fact a revisiting a “site of memory” that is situated in the history of Singapore.
These performances shaped our identity as Singaporeans. And that is why every year, as I watch the TV or real life performance, I sing along to each year’s theme songs, be enchanted by the fireworks, cried when looking at the videos and most importantly, feel proud when I sing the national anthem and say the pledge. This whole range of emotions that went through my heart is THE SINGAPORE SPIRIT that hold us together, as one united people.
NDP is a way to show our ‘spirit’ as a nation and to remind ourselves of that solidarity as one people. I love Singapore, in many ways. I love the people, the food, the life, the city, the trees, the environment… I love Singapore because this is my home. Thank you Singapore for giving us everything we have. Here’s a section of this year’s theme song which really depicts how I feel…
“I love my city’s lively ways,
Warm sunny days,
Sights and sounds, special tastes that add up to this place,
I love my friends my closest ties,
Now I finally realise,
When it feels this right, you know that it’s love at first light…”
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