Teochew Kueh Stall @ Sims Vista Food Centre – Best Soon Kueh I ever had!
March 15, 2015

I was at Sims Vista Food Centre for Hollywood Duck Rice, when we came across black ku kueh (instead of ang ku kueh), so we decided to give it a try. It has passed lunch time, the owners were preparing ingredients for tomorrow, and they have kindly allow us to take some photos. The stall sells a range of handmade Teochew kuehs like mushroom soon kuehs, rice kuehs, gu-cai kuehs, crystal dumplings, savoury style black sesame rice kuehs.
Their soon kueh is one of the best I ever had. Made of rice flour skin wrapped with shredded turnips, mushroom and dried shrimps, the skin is translucent and soft, with a slight chewy texture. It has a strong hei bi (dried shrimp) and garlic flavour, which makes it really tasty. Add some chilli sauce and it gives you the kick. I like how generous they are with the fillings and their skin is very good! I should try their ku chye (chives) kueh and ping png kueh (glutinous rice) next time.
Blk 49, Sims Place, 01-23
Tel: 97686979/96677569
Opening hours: 6am to 4.30p, closed on Mondays.
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