The Proposal
June 22, 2013

It actually feels quite cheesy to share the photos of the proposal because I don’t usually show my face on the blog. But since I promise I will share, so here’s the post!
If you want, I can repeat my story. I think I can repeat for my whole life and still not tired of it. I want to pen down whatever that has happened, so that next time when I grow old and senile, I can read my blog and have a good laugh. I guess this blog also serves as a diary to remind me of our love when we have disagreements.
The fiance’s idea was to propose up on Eiffel Tower. Before the trip, he was trying to persuade me to go up the Eiffel Tower, I sensed something amiss. Even though it sounds super romantic to get proposed up on the Eiffel Tower, it is NOT. Because the weather in Paris is suppppperrrrr cold. It was 6 degrees that night and we didn’t bring the appropriate clothing (we thought it would be summer!). I can imagine both of us shivering at the top of the tower and the place will be toooo crowded lah!
So before our trip, I suggested to him to hire a photographer in Paris to do a couple photoshoot, hoping he will propose during the photoshoot. Good idea right, and the photographer can capture the most beautiful moment. Ok I kinda staged my own proposal. But nevermind lah, HAPPY JIU HAO!
I sourced high and low for a photographer in Paris who can meet our budget and finally found one when we were in Holland! On 24 May 2013, we had an hour of photoshoot around Eiffel Tower and the photographer suggested he proposed at Port Bir Hakim bridge, with the Eiffel Tower at the background. The boy didn’t have any romantic words (I thought I would cry) and this is our rough conversation:
Boy: I have something for you.
Boy: I didn’t buy you a birthday present but I bought you this. *takes out the diamond ring*
Me: HAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHH (It is a mixture of HAHA and surprised AHHHH)
Boy: *kneel down* dear dear, 嫁给我吧!
Me: Marry you can, but got conditions.
Boy: *continues kneeling* What? Faster say, we only got 1 hour photoshoot!
It happened too fast and I can’t remember what happened next. But I remembered stating my conditions and somehow the ring is on my finger. It wasn’t Tiffiny and Co, it wasn’t Jaan Paul, he got the ring from eClarity. I wasn’t bothered about the brand lah, as long as the love is real.
after the proposal was done, I ask him what does the ring means, and he replied:”我给你的不是定心丸,是信心丸。对我有信心,我要给你的是幸福、快乐还有永恒。”
If you are interested, we hired Ian from Ian Holmes Photography to do the photo shoot for us. It was a last minute decision for us to do the photo shoot and we were looking high and low for a photographer whose photo styles we love. Plus our timing were quite tight and we only had one particular morning to do the photo shoot. I am so glad to have found Ian and thankfully, we completed the shoot when it started to pour. We had about 60 over photos from an hour of photo shoot and I have a hard time selecting the ones to feature.
So what happens after the proposal? Well, life goes on as normal lah! We didn’t went to sign any wedding package because the boyfriend says he is terribly broke after buying the ring. I agree lah, because he brought me to change the ring size and I took the chance to change a ring setting! hahahaha! In the end, he has to pay almost a thousand dollars more. Aiya but it is worth it right? I am the best investment in his life mah! :X
I will want to wait for our house to be ready and that is 2016. But I don’t really want to do wedding dinners. Probably a wedding cocktail or wedding lunch or save the money on our honeymoon! Meanwhile I have some time to take a look at the wedding decor, wedding dress, restaurants etc. I have recently started to use Pinterest again because they have very nice photos and I can spend hours just pinning. A garden wedding sounds perfect to me. We shall see!
Yup, this is my beginning of a happily ever after… 🙂