VITAGEN – Be Good To Your Gut
September 20, 2014

Carrot cake, wanton mee, you tiao, bak chor mee… I really can’t live without these food for breakfast. Of course I am sharing all these with my aunty, but as you all know, eating too much is a common problem among most people in Singapore. And I am definitely one of them.
Honestly speaking, it’s so hard to resist temptations from these good hawker food. But each time when we indulge in food that is hard to digest, our guts have to work harder. Since we can’t really change our eating habits, that’s why we need VITAGEN – the only cultured milk in Singapore that contains both Prebiotics and Probiotics that helps to maintain a healthy digestive system.
VITAGEN is a brand close to my heart as I have been drinking it for many years. We usually go for the VITAGEN Less Sugar because it is a healthier choice under the Health Promotion Board.
The Vitagen Benefits
Made by fermenting skim milk with billions of live probiotic cultures. What is probiotic cultures? It is actually good bacteria which helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. Probiotic cultures in VITAGEN can withstand bile and acidic stomach juices and reach the intestines alive to fight harmful bacteria in the intestines.
Especially because I have constipation problems, drinking VITAGEN helps to boost my digestive health and make me feel good every day.
More good news is, VITAGEN is the only cultured drink in Singapore that is high in prebiotic fibre (dietary fibre). It helps to support growth of good bacteria to maintain a better intestinal environment. Each bottle of VITAGEN LESS SUGAR has 7.5g of dietary fibre and makes up 28% of the recommended daily dietary fibre intake (which is about 21g to 26g).
I can really feel the difference when I drink VITAGEN LESS SUGAR after a meal. Especially when I love my noodles and you tiao, I always feel very bloated after a meal. But I always finish a bottle of VITAGEN LESS SUGAR and my tummy feels so much better after that. It’s less bloated and I visit the toilet regularly.
And also, when I come back from a holiday after munching on too much food, constipation happens again. So I just drink a few bottles of VITAGEN, (ta-dah!) problems solved yo!
It certainly makes me feel happier when I hear the word “less sugar”! HAHA! A bottle of VITAGEN Less Sugar has 50 per cent less sugar as compared to other cultured milk drinks! That’s a huge difference leh! Plus it is fat free, uses real fruit juice (apple, grape, peach), so it’s ideal for consumers who are concerned about sugar & calories intake.
Personally, whenever I buy the whole packet of VITAGEN LESS SUGAR, I really like the original flavor. I don’t like to drink milk but this works very well for me. Each of my family members has their own favourite flavour. As you can see from the photo, we are drinking the original flavor and the grape flavor. That’s because grape flavor is my aunt’s favourite!
VITAGEN is specially formulated for the health-conscious, that offers great satisfying taste but with 50% less sugar. Packed with billions of good bacteria, it’s the perfect treat to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the whole family!
Do you know that VITAGEN can also be delivered directly to your doorstep? I am very lazy one, so usually I will get it from home delivery because I don’t have to lug a heavy bag home after grocery shopping. So usually I will stock it up when my home delivery service appears.
VITAGEN Home Delivery Service
Hotline: 6282 5949
Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm; Saturday – 9am to 1pm